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Holyokers urged to post photos of city in 'I Love Holyoke' campaign approaching Valentine's Day


Holyoke Merry-Go-Round

With Valentine's Day approaching, PassportHolyoke wants folks to sport their fondness for the Paper City on Facebook and Twitter.

"Photo ideas include buildings and businesses, landscapes, local celebrities, restaurant offerings, and friends and family at events and activities," said a press release from PassportHolyoke, a group of organizations that promote the city.

" 'I Love Holyoke' encourages people to share what makes Holyoke meaningful to them while connecting with their community and exploring the city," the press release said.

All photos must be original and tagged with #ILoveHolyoke, #AmoHolyoke (Spanish) and #PassportHolyoke. Facebook posts should be made public so that they are viewable in their respective hashtag feeds, the press release said.

The campaign runs from Feb. 7 to Feb. 14, which is Valentine's Day.

PassportHolyoke will share many of the photos on its Facebook page and will exhibit some at Holyoke Heritage State Park visitors center, 221 Appleton St., after the campaign.

For information send an email to info@passportholyoke.org.